Join Us! Become a Member.

We always welcome new members to the Historical Society and invite you to join us.

  • All memberships run from January through December. (No proration, for a partial year, is currently available.)

  • Join as an individual for $15 per Year or as a family for $20 per year

First Time Memberships

Join Online:

First, Download & Complete the Membership Form:

Download Form

Fill out and email to

Then, Select Individual or Family and Complete the Payment using the payment links below:

Join By Mail:

First, Download and Complete the Membership Form:

Download Form

Then, mail all of the following to us at:

Scappoose Historical Society
PO Box 441
Scappoose, OR  97056
  • Completed Membership Form

  • A check for $15(individual) or $20(family), payable to the Scappoose Historical Society

  • A list of family member names if joining as a family

Thank you for your support!


Select Membership Level
If Gift: Name of beneficiary
If Gift: Email of beneficiary

Renew Online:

Select type (individual or family) from drop down, add to cart, and complete payment.

Renew Online and Add a Gift Membership in One Transaction:

  1. Select your renewal membership type (Individual or Family) and click "Add to Cart."

  2. On the PayPal Shopping Cart page that appears, click "Continue Shopping."

  3. You will return to our site. Select the Gift membership and click "Add to Cart" again.

  4. Both memberships will be added to your PayPal cart.

  5. Securely checkout via PayPal to complete your transaction.

  6. Email us to confirm you have added a gift membership.

To Renew By Mail:

Mail your check, payable to the Scappoose Historical Society, to:

Scappoose Historical Society
PO Box 441
Scappoose, OR  97056

Include the following information with your check:

First Name
Last Name
Street Address
City, State & Zip Code

If family membership, please also include the names of your household members.

Thank you for your support!